What’s the experience like with One Nevada?

About Forums Team/Runner Matching What’s the experience like with One Nevada?

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  • #249542 Reply

    Credit unions can be a great alternative to big banks, but they’re not all the same when it comes to service and account features. I’ve been considering One Nevada for a checking account or possibly a loan, but I want to know what it’s like dealing with them day-to-day. Has anyone contacted One Nevada customer service for things like loan approvals, disputes, or online banking help? Was it a smooth process?

    #249559 Reply

    I’ve had an account with One Nevada for a while, and when I needed help with a loan question, I checked one nevada reviews before calling customer service. Took a little longer than expected to get through, but once I did, the rep explained everything clearly. They weren’t in a rush, which I appreciated, but I had to ask a few extra questions to get the full picture.

    #250255 Reply

    Hey, just wanna say thanks for taking a sec to reply. It’s always cool seeing different perspectives, so I appreciate it!

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